by Harvey Mogojwe | Apr 27, 2022
Using geospatial-based composite score to identify and map missed communities. Vaccines have reduced disease burden and death in children; still, inequality in coverage continues to persist globally. Although Cameroon has made significant progress in vaccination since...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Apr 4, 2022
The Zambian government is committed to improving the availability of quality but affordable health care for the Zambian people. However, severe shortages of human capital in the health system have persisted for over twenty years—denying millions of people access to...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 28, 2022
Effective interventions to identify and reach underserved villages with immunization services BACKGROUND Beginning in November 2020, CHAI Uganda’s vaccines team set out to help the government address challenges with routine immunization service delivery and improve...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 25, 2022
Every year, at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday of March, people around the globe turn off their lights for one hour to raise awareness of the issues challenging our environment. It’s a way to show how small changes can catalyze transformation on a global scale. CHAI is...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 25, 2022
Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s deadliest infectious disease, claiming three lives every minute. South Africa ranks eighth amongst the top 30 high-TB burden countries, accounting for three percent of all TB cases worldwide. South Africa is one of 10 countries that...