by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 25, 2022
Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s deadliest infectious disease, claiming three lives every minute. South Africa ranks eighth amongst the top 30 high-TB burden countries, accounting for three percent of all TB cases worldwide. South Africa is one of 10 countries that...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 24, 2022
Tuberculosis (TB) is the second leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, next to COVID-19 worldwide. People who become sick with TB are living with the active form of the disease, however, many people may be infected with TB and not know it. Treating...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 23, 2022
Effective interventions to increase routine immunization uptake in health facilities BACKGROUND In November 2020, CHAI Uganda’s vaccines team set out to help the government address challenges with routine immunization service delivery and improve equity across 14...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 22, 2022
Our monthly check-in with staff from around the world. Learn more about the people who work at CHAI. Please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to CHAI. I am a medical doctor with postgraduate training in health economics. My interest is in...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 17, 2022
How take-home-rations are facilitating a nutrition revolution in Madhya Pradesh With her infant daughter in tow, Narmada walks down to the Anganwadi Center at the edge of her village in northern Madhya Pradesh (MP). It is a hot summer day and the girl, 18-month-old...