Our monthly check-in with staff from around the world. Learn more about the people who work at CHAI. Please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to CHAI. After obtaining my degree in Economic Science, I joined an internship program with a real...
CHAI is partnering with governments in 10 countries to increase access to assistive technology. Under the UK Aid-funded AT2030 programme, CHAI has developed several case studies to highlight interventions that have been successful in driving availability and...
Why investing in training and support structures for nurses and other health workers is critical to combating the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthening the health system long-term For the last 14 months, frontline health workers around the world have shouldered the...
The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine has published a CHAI-led study reflecting on the progress South Africa has made towards eliminating HIV. The article draws insights from three major reports published in 2020.[1] South Africa has one of the highest HIV...
Four times a month, Nurse Amaka* goes on a few hours journey by foot to some of the remotest settlements in northern Nigeria to vaccinate children who are unable to attend the immunization sessions at her primary health center due to the long commute. Every time she...