September 7, 2023

5 Questions with Masechaba Moeti

Our monthly check-in with staff from around the world. Learn more about the people who work at CHAI.

Please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to CHAI.

Lesotho is a Christian country, and my belief in God has been one of my strongest foundations both at work and at home. When I joined CHAI, I always believed in equity over equality. I love helping people and treating people not only equally but also ensuring that I meet them where they are—in my line of work; this allows me to do my work with very few challenges. I am a Mosotho woman who believes in being kind, just, and accommodating, so CHAI helps me to express my true self.

1. What’s the best thing about your job?

Year in and year out, the best part about my job is seeing programs realizing their plans and meeting their targets because I have been able to help them in their logistic requests and more. My job allows me to talk with people every day and that makes me happy.

2. What is your favorite thing about your career?

When I first joined CHAI, I was an office custodian. I had little expectations for my personal growth and career development. But since I have been part of CHAI Lesotho, I have grown and learned a lot within the organization. When I look back and at the work I do now—from custodian to office assistant and now senior program and administration assistant, it tells me that I am important to CHAI Lesotho and the impact is seen in my growth.

3. What is a motto you live by?

U batla eng? translates to What do you want?—My thinking is that what you want, you should get no matter what. Do not think of the challenges you may face, focus on the goal, and go get it.

4. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

There are quite a few adventurous moments inside and outside of CHAI that I can recall. I love road trips around Lesotho with my friends and it always gives me a new perspective to life. I find pleasure in nature and social conversations keep me alive.

5. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

A weekend full of mountain adventures. The scenery and atmosphere are calming. It helps to stay connected to nature.

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