by Corina Milic | Sep 29, 2015
Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are an effective tool for confirming true malaria cases in resource-limited settings, yet are often unavailable in the private sector where many seek treatment. CHAI worked with global manufacturers and importers in...
by Corina Milic | Sep 2, 2015
In July 2014, CHAI and partners began work to implement a comprehensive Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) program aimed at improving maternal and newborn health outcomes in the States of Kano, Katsina and Kaduna, northern Nigeria. A component of the program aims to...
by Corina Milic | Aug 11, 2015
Treating severe malaria with injectable artesunate instead of quinine can substantially reduce mortality. To increase uptake and improve health outcomes, CHAI supported ministries of health in six high-burden countries to overcome barriers to adoption. Learn more...
by Corina Milic | Aug 11, 2015
Access to better tolerated, more convenient regimens for HIV treatment promotes adherence and leads to better patient outcomes. CHAI is working to ensure affordable pricing and to address demand-side barriers to access. Increased uptake of optimal second-line regimens...
by Corina Milic | Aug 11, 2015
CHAI and partners achieved a price reduction agreement for contraceptive implants that increased total implant distribution by 56 percent from 2012 to 2013 and will result in procurement savings of more than US$300 million over six years. Learn more about this...
by Corina Milic | Aug 11, 2015
Achieving universal access to HIV treatment requires using the resources available as efficiently as possible. To this end, CHAI supports 10 countries to conduct annual resource mapping. In Malawi, results have informed the allocation of US$300 million to high-impact...