by Harvey Mogojwe | Oct 6, 2023
Background Medical oxygen is a lifesaving medicine used to treat low blood oxygen or hypoxemia in patients with a variety of medical illnesses such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cannot be substituted....
by Harvey Mogojwe | Oct 6, 2023
Background Low blood oxygen, or hypoxemia, is a life-threatening complication of respiratory infection, preterm birth, surgery, labor and delivery, childhood illnesses, and many other conditions. Nearly one-quarter of sick newborns and more than one-in-six...
by Scott Miller | Jun 26, 2023
HIV remains a significant health issue among children, with almost two million children living with HIV, mostly in low- and middle-income countries. Of these children, less than a million receive the treatment they need to survive. In many low- and middle-income...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Apr 26, 2023
Over the last decades, the ability to collect and use data for making decisions has increasingly become important—from transportation, entertainment, marketing to even the health industry. Yet, the ability to collect and use quality data for informed decisions is not...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Mar 1, 2023
The Global Fund provides funding support in three-year cycles to eligible countries across the globe to fight HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria. The next funding cycle, New Funding Model (NFM) 4 is currently ongoing with funds expected to be awarded for use between...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Feb 15, 2023
Background Zambia has a generalized HIV epidemic with a national prevalence of about 11 percent among adults 15-59 years.[1] HIV prevention in Zambia focuses on prevention of mother-to-child transmission, social and behavior change communication, and voluntary medical...