by Harvey Mogojwe | Feb 2, 2023
Issue Every 11 seconds, a pregnant woman, or newborn dies somewhere in the world due to birth complications. In 2021 alone, more than five million children under-five, including 2.3 million newborns died—many due to preventable or treatable causes. While globally, the...
by Scott Miller | Nov 18, 2022
Background and rationale Private sector health service delivery is an important component of many health systems across the globe as it is often the first consult and the primary source of care, especially for children under the age of five. This trend is consistent...
by Scott Miller | Nov 18, 2022
Digital reporting tool and package of supportive interventions have improved malaria reporting and quality of care in the private sector. BACKGROUND Uganda has made significant progress over the past decade in reducing its malaria burden. Prevalence has decreased from...
by Scott Miller | Oct 21, 2022
Background In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 296 million people around the globe were chronically infected by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). In the same year, an estimated 820,000 deaths resulted from liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular...
by Scott Miller | Jul 14, 2022
Before Kano State used the responsive feedback mechanism to improve the quality of antenatal care services in health facilities, few pregnant women knew of and used the services. Less than 20 percent of pregnant women in Kano State, Nigeria deliver their babies at a...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Apr 27, 2022
Using geospatial-based composite score to identify and map missed communities. Vaccines have reduced disease burden and death in children; still, inequality in coverage continues to persist globally. Although Cameroon has made significant progress in vaccination since...