by Harvey Mogojwe | Jan 20, 2022
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is much lower now than it used to be due to the increased availability of antiretroviral therapy. Still, a small proportion of infants are born with HIV when mothers have high viral loads (VL) in utero, during delivery, or when...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Nov 30, 2021
Despite tremendous progress accelerating access to HIV treatment, approximately 1.5 million people were newly infected in 2020. To reduce the risk of HIV infection, the global community must continue to increase access to highly effective prevention tools, such as...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Nov 25, 2021
The Vaccine journal has published a CHAI-led study in Madhya Pradesh that highlights an innovative solution to identifying optimal locations for establishing cold storage points at the last mile with a view to reducing vaccine transportation time from health...
by Corina Milic | Sep 3, 2021
Background Kano State is one of the most populous states in Nigeria with an estimated 13.4 million people. Over 70 percent of the population is deemed financially vulnerable[1]. Combined with the low coverage of prepaid health financing mechanisms like health...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Aug 5, 2021
TB program point-of-care testing was leveraged for HIV viral load and early infant diagnosis testing. Many national testing and treatment programs have traditionally been “vertical” in nature – focused on one disease alone – and have relied on processing tests in...
by Harvey Mogojwe | Aug 3, 2021
In 2011, the HPTN 052 trial demonstrated that people living with HIV who initiated treatment earlier – also referred to as early access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all – were less likely to transmit the virus to partners. Adoption of this approach meant that...