by Corina Milic | Jan 20, 2020
From January to June 2018, the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care, in collaboration with the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC) and the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI), ran a pilot program offering PrEP at two public health...
by Corina Milic | Dec 3, 2019
A strategic partnership between the government and private industry to improve the health of the local population. BACKGROUND In 2018, Guatemala reported 3,084 malaria cases. Half of these cases (1,555) were reported by the department of Escuintla, a region...
by Corina Milic | Jan 21, 2019
We are working with partners to transform the cold chain equipment market to increase access to affordable, optimal technology that is needed to protect about $1 billion worth of vaccines annually from damage due to exposure to freezing temperatures. Read through our...
by Corina Milic | Sep 24, 2018
About 250 million preschool children are vitamin A deficient and up to half a million of these children become blind every year, of which about 50 percent die within 12 months of losing sight. Infants and children need vitamin A to promote rapid growth, to prevent...
by Corina Milic | Aug 7, 2018
In 2015, HIV was the cause of 19 percent of all childhood deaths under the age of five in Lesotho. Previous strategies to identify and treat children who were living with HIV had proven ineffective and Lesotho’s goal to reach 80 percent of children living with HIV had...
by Corina Milic | Jul 3, 2018
In Vietnam, a million people are infected with Hepatitis C (HCV). Without treatment, HCV can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death. While no vaccines exist to prevent HCV, the virus is easily treated with directly-acting antivirals (DAAs). In 2017, CHAI worked...