Kingdom of Eswatini
Kingdom of Eswatini

CHAI began its partnership with the Kingdom of Eswatini in 2009. Initially, we were focused on strengthening the government’s malaria elimination efforts and improving access to lifesaving HIV diagnostics and treatment. Then in 2011, CHAI, the Ministry of Health, and other partners launched the groundbreaking MaxART program to reduce new HIV infections and significantly improve diagnosis and linkage to care. The second phase of the program included a pioneering study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended ‘Test and Start’ approach, which advocates for all people living with HIV to begin antiretroviral therapy regardless of disease progression. In 2020, Eswatini became one of the first countries to achieve the ‘95-95-95’ global HIV targets, thanks to interventions such as MaxART.

Also in 2020, we began work to increase access to medical oxygen and generate demand for sexual and reproductive health services to reduce teenage pregnancies. We are currently working with the government to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage. Our support focuses on strengthening health financing systems to better quantify health resource needs and mobilize adequate resources for priority areas. Additionally, we are supporting the government to update the national benefits package to better provide quality healthcare delivery at all levels of care. CHAI also supports the government in piloting and implementing integrated human-centered approaches for HIV, COVID-19, NCDs, and other health programs.

raised for introducing the HPV vaccine, resulting in over 74% of the eligible population (9-14 year-olds) vaccinated
people screened for diabetes and related complications
health workers, 432 rural health motivators, and 36 screeners trained on diabetes eye and foot complications
of the country’s largest hospitals installed medical oxygen infrastructure, ensuring continuous access to quality oxygen at 1,086 bedsides
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CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.
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CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.
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