CHAI began work in Liberia in 2006, helping the National AIDS Control Program apply for and receive its first funding from the Global Fund and introduce HIV/AIDS mentoring in clinical care. We helped establish the infrastructure and National Diagnostic Units (NDU). CHAI has since supported the MOH in strengthening supply chain management, health workforce, and health financing. We have alsoprovided technical assistance across various vertical programs including HIV, maternal and neonatal health, sexual and reproductive health, malaria, cancer, essential medicines and oxygen access, and assistive technology.
Our close working relationship with the government placed us in a unique position to support the national response to the outbreak of Ebola in 2014, including the secondment of CHAI staff to support case management, training, and logistics before the international response effort was mobilized. Similarly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, CHAI played critical roles in case management and strengthening infection prevention and control practices as part of the national incidence management system.
To combat one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, we are working to improve reproductive health through increasing access to effective family planning methods such as long-acting reversible and self-injectable contraceptives. Building upon catalytic efforts during COVID-19, CHAI is also supporting the government in increasing access to medical oxygen, complementing our reproductive health interventions to reduce preventable maternal and neonatal mortality. Most recently, CHAI began work to strengthen early disability screening, expand the provision of assistive technologies, and support children living with disabilities to play.

health workers trained in Ebola treatment
facilities receiving accreditation from 2009-2010, up from 112, as a result of the development of national standards for health care delivery
reduction in maternal deaths in Bomi County in 2009 as a result of interventions to improve delivery by skilled birth attendants at health facilities
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CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.
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CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.
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