Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone

CHAI began working in Sierra Leone in 2015, supporting the government to rebuild its health systems following the devastating Ebola outbreak the year before. We helped the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) develop an human resources for health country profile to determine health worker need in the country, a national human resource for health policy and implement a long-term strategy including to retain its health workforce.
CHAI helped the MoHS set up a supply chain that is responsive to stock scarcity, minimizes stock outs, and maintains and improves existing distribution channels to support the free healthcare initiative (FHCI) for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under the age of five. The FHCI eliminates medical fees and provides drugs and treatments at no cost in every public health facility in the country.
We are also helping the government implement its sexual and reproductive health program, which aims to reduce maternal mortality and unintended pregnancies through increasing access to long-acting reversible contraceptives. In addition, we are helping the government strengthen vaccines data; introduce the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine; and develop and implement a national assistive technology policy and strategic plan. We have also supported the GRID3 program, which is aimed at strengthening the use of geospatial data and technologies in the health sector. Finally, we are supporting the development of a medical oxygen landscaping road map to address the country’s oxygen needs both in regular and peak demands scenarios.

women benefitting from sexual, reproductive, and family planning services
people with disabilities to benefit from increased access to assistive devices
schoolgirls receive HPV vaccines in Sierra Leone’s first-ever national campaign
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CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.
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