5 Questions with Matiko Riro

5 Questions with Matiko Riro

Our monthly check-in with staff from around the world. Learn more about the people who work at CHAI. Please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to CHAI. I am a medical doctor with postgraduate training in health economics. My interest is in...
The change within: Taking home better nutrition

The change within: Taking home better nutrition

How take-home-rations are facilitating a nutrition revolution in Madhya Pradesh With her infant daughter in tow, Narmada walks down to the Anganwadi Center at the edge of her village in northern Madhya Pradesh (MP). It is a hot summer day and the girl, 18-month-old...
Women who inspire us: International Women’s Day 2022

Women who inspire us: International Women’s Day 2022

Each year, staff at CHAI have the privilege of meeting many incredible women in our partner countries. We work with women who are transforming healthcare systems as doctors, nurses, community health workers, and administrators. We also meet the women navigating those...
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