ARV Market Report

ARV Market Report

CHAI’s ARV Market Report provides a global perspective on the ARV marketplace in low- and middle-income countries in 2014 and outlines CHAI’s expectations on how the market will evolve over the next five years. See the 2015 ARV Market Report here.
3DE Evaluation of Reinforced Integration of Infant Services

3DE Evaluation of Reinforced Integration of Infant Services

Early testing of HIV-exposed infants and the initiation of antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive infants is critical to improving infant survival. Learn about evidence from a Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions (3DE) Evaluation in Southern Province, Zambia that...
Option B+ in Vietnam

Option B+ in Vietnam

On an autumn day in 2014 in the mountainous province of Yen Bai, Vietnam, an expectant mother, Yên, 27, was admitted to the Obstetric Department of Yen Bai Provincial General Hospital with pain she attributed to premature labor. “Yesterday she was still smiling and...
Program Overview: Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions

Program Overview: Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions

Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions (3DE) is a pioneering approach to support ministries of health with evidence-based decision-making by using rigorous impact evaluations in a demand-driven, rapid, and efficient way. Learn more about the 3DE approach in this...
CHAI Financials: 2014

CHAI Financials: 2014

The Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. and Subsidiaries’ Consolidated Financial Statements for 2014 are available below. Download...
Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Work in Nigeria

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Work in Nigeria

In small northern Nigerian villages such as Bukka, 56 miles southeast of Kano City, health workers walk dusty paths under the searing heat of the tropical afternoon carrying lifesaving malaria drugs to children. Often, they work past sunset to ensure that they...
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