Donor Disclosure Policy Q&A

Donor Disclosure Policy Q&A

Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. Donor Disclosure Policy – Q & A April 16, 2015 Q: Why is CHAI’s policy different from the Clinton Foundation’s policy? CHAI is an independent 501c3 charitable organization, separate from the Clinton Foundation. CHAI operates...
CHAI Family Planning Market Report: May 2015

CHAI Family Planning Market Report: May 2015

In 2019, updates to historical datasets were made upon consultation with relevant current suppliers, including the addition of a new supplier’s data. Please find the most up-to-date report here. The 2015 Family Planning Market Report can be found below. Download...
CHAI ARV Ceiling Price List: 2014

CHAI ARV Ceiling Price List: 2014

CHAI supports national governments to expand high-quality care and treatment to people living with HIV/AIDS. CHAI offers reduced prices for antiretrovirals (ARVs) to members of its Procurement Consortium. See the 2014 ARV Ceiling Price List here.
Case Study: Viral Load Access Program

Case Study: Viral Load Access Program

HIV viral load testing improves the quality of care for patients on antiretroviral therapy. CHAI partnered with the Government of South Africa, UNAIDS, PEPFAR, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and Roche to negotiate a global access price for viral...
Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions (3DE)

Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions (3DE)

CHAI’s Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions (3DE) program is a pioneering approach to support ministries in the health sector with evidence-based decision-making by using rigorous impact evaluations in a demand-driven, rapid, and efficient way. The 3DE...
CHAI at IAS 2015

CHAI at IAS 2015

In late July Vancouver hosted the 8th annual International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment & Prevention. Over 20 CHAI staff members from around the world presented a wide variety of work at the meeting. The conference was characterized...
Improving Contraceptive Access in Liberia

Improving Contraceptive Access in Liberia

Of Liberia’s approximately one million women of reproductive age, an estimated 31 percent want to delay or space their pregnancies but are not using contraception, often because they lack access. Over a quarter of girls aged 15-19 have already given birth, a risky...
CHAI Annual Report 2013

CHAI Annual Report 2013

The 2013 Annual Report highlights CHAI’s programmatic work around the world, thanks to our many dedicated partners and supporters. Download...
Treating Child Diarrhea in Kenya

Treating Child Diarrhea in Kenya

In Mathare Valley, one of Nairobi’s oldest and more impoverished slums, residents are crowded, and many lack access to basic services such as clean running water, electricity, and sanitation. As a result, the population suffers not only from extreme poverty, but also...
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