5 Questions with Satish Choudhury

5 Questions with Satish Choudhury

Our monthly check-in with staff from around the world. Learn more about the people who work at CHAI. Please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to CHAI. I’m a computer science engineer with a business school degree. After completing my...
CHAI sessions at AORTIC 2023

CHAI sessions at AORTIC 2023

This is the current list of sessions that CHAI is participating in at AORTIC 2023. Please also note that this page is continuously being updated as participants and sessions are confirmed. Presentation links will be updated when recordings are available, so check back...
5 Questions with Fan Sun

5 Questions with Fan Sun

Our monthly check-in with staff from around the world. Learn more about the people who work at CHAI. Please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to CHAI. My name is Fan Sun and I joined CHAI in September 2022 as an Associate on the CHAI China...
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